This is what the kids had last week.
November 1, 2011
AR Book Finder
BCE AR Quiz List Finder

Click above to download home reading log.
Student Learning Targets
Review week for Unit 2/Reading and Language Arts

click here to view Unit 2 Student Learning Targets
Reading Comprehension
I can retell fiction stories with a beginning, middle, and end.
I can identify the main idea and supporting details of non-fiction selections.
I can identify the author's purpose.
Writing - Grammar
I can make two words into one word by using contractions: let's, he's, she's, it's, didn't, can't.
I can identify nouns as naming words.
I can identify proper nouns and write them correctly using a capital beginning letter.
I can read and spell short vowel words.
I can use consonant blends at the beginning and end of CVC words.
Text Features
I can get information from signs by looking at the symbols, pictures, and words.
I can use diagrams and labels to understand a photograph or illustration.
Readers Workshop
I can use my schema to make connections to what I read. I can create mental images of what I read using my senses. I can identify the author's purpose for writing the selection.
Treasures Reading Activities: Book Two

Read and listen to Treasures reading stories.
Writer's Workshop
I can develop an organization to my writing.
I can plan the beginning, middle, and end of a personal narrative. I can begin using sensory words to create mental images for the reader. I can begin adding descriptive words to my writing.
Math Workshop
Pattern block manipulatives
Topic 8: Geometry
I can identify plane shapes. I can put together shapes to form a new shape.
Science/Social Studies
I can use maps and map features to understand my neighborhood.
Sequence of Events
With the Smartboard directly in front of our meeting area it is easy to refer back to the standards. Now...on to the dreaded evaluation!!!
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