How is this possible--December? I think it doesn't seem real because our weather has been so mild. I live in Tennessee and should we really be mowing the grass still?
But, anyway, I am linking with Farley's Currently.
I am listening to Jimmy Fallon--he constantly amazes me with his talents in singing! Did you hear the Adele and Jimmy "Hello" using kid's instruments? Love it!
Just as amazing are all the pictures of beautiful Christmas trees on Instagram. Each one is different but also special. I have two trees decorated--such memories for a lot of the ornaments.
I am thinking that since it is December after all, that probably means that I should be busy--gifts to buy, goodies to cook and bake, cleaning to do! It is a terrific time. Nice that we get to end each year with such a celebration.
Mr. Spouse is "visiting" a casino tonight. I haven't heard from him in a couple of hours. This could be a bad sign!
Why, why, why did I think that this would be a good time to re-stain the steps since the before mentioned Mr. Spouse is away. Does looking at them make them dry? I may be in trouble! It's supposed to dry in 6 hours. Well, that time has arrived and guess what? Not dry. Nada. Not at all.
I like faux trees. They can be used multiple years. No watering. No fear of fire. So much easier to put up and take down. And...I can decide when the time is right to put the trees up. I am a spur of the moment type--so if I get the idea to decorate it is a step away to the garage.
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