January flew by! How could it be February already?
I am listening to Fixer Upper on HGTV. I love the designs but mostly I like the relationship between Chip and Joanna and their kids!
Relaxing in my PJ's doesn't need any explanation. Just do it.
The master bedroom--oh my. You know how you find what you think you need and then when you put it together--it isn't at all even a little bit OK? I searched for some curtains similar to ones I have in the living room and finally found some at TJMaxx. Which led to needing a new bed set. I went with a solid gray and it is absolutely boring!
I want more Parenthood. The Bravermans. The Thursday night 10 p.m. fix. I can't believe it is actually over. Sadsville!
I REALLY need to get motivated to walk daily. Maybe this week. :)
A Worrier--yes that is me! It isn't that I am searching for somethings to worry about--they are just hitting me in the face. My mother and my mother-in-law are both needing some help. Oh, aging is tough!
But I am happy that February is here! I am thinking in shades of red instead of winter white!
Now you can link up with Farley also to share your thoughts this February morning.

I agree--missing Parenthood so much! It was such a family oriented--real life show!