Saturday, January 21, 2012

Redo, a Freebie, and Saturday chores

The blog bug=blog stalking to find blog designs that appease the eye!

It began when I came upon: 

Great look. Great colors. Great for my loves! This blog stalking is addicting on more than one level. So...I put in with Jumpin Jax on the schedule. My new design arrived last night!!!  There is no way that I could have created a background and header on my own. HTML is a mystery language to me. If you scroll to the bottom of my page you will see that Jumpin Jax designed my new look. And if you want some really great graphics the Sweet  Shoppe ones were right on my needs.

Powerpoint: made me capable of doing some projects for my own class. stalking led me to so many creative teachers. I am learning. Here is one that I will use this week with our Winter Weather unit (Treasures Stormy Weather week). This is an ABC order work station.

Weather ABC">

Off the blog stalking now because it is Saturday and my house is calling me=bathrooms, laundry, floors, furniture! Must get those items looking a lot better also!


  1. Love the new look! Nothing less than adorable! Enjoy your weekend!

    First Grade Delight

  2. What a great *freebie*! Thank you! I just found your blog and am your newest follower! Your blog is so cute! I would love for you to visit me if you get the chance! I have TONS of *freebies*!

    Heather's Heart
