Thursday, January 26, 2012

Friday's coming! AND a great blog giveaway.

I am so ready for the weekend. and I will have survived this week. Can I say hectic? Little things like--a new student teacher and being pulled out of the classroom for work on special projects and meetings. YIKES! Frustrating.

Do you follow these great blogs? As the caption says--three friends  + three prizes = a good old giveaway. So jump on over to funky first grade fun to join. If you need a smile--Kristin at a teeny tiny teacher will definitely make your day! 

But. this will brighten my day and yours...


  1. I tagged you!
    Come on over and see what it's all about!

    Going Nutty!

  2. I am so glad that you found my blog, because now I have discovered yours!

    Yes, I am from Abingdon...where are you in Tennessee?

    I am your newest follower!

    First Grade Magic

  3. I am in Johnson City but in a county school.Hello!
