Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Showing my Lesson Plans

I am linking up to Christina as she shared her lesson plan template. I've used this style for a few years but had to change it this year to incorporate standards, essential questions, and assessments (per Tennessee's horrible grand new evaluation system). sigh   double sigh

I saved the template and "type" into the boxes. It allows lots of copying and pasting which is much quicker!
The standards seem to duplicate on some days.
  Lesson Plan 2011">

I hope you can share yours and link up to Christina's site.


  1. I like the simplicity of yours! I linked up too!!

    Ginger Snaps

  2. I like how you have spots for the "I can" statements. That is super important. One of my goals this year was to do more with them, but that hasn't happened yet... thanks for reminding me!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog
