Friday, March 23, 2012

A Touch of Spring

Spring. My favorite time of the year. The weather here has been warmer than usual over parts of the USA and we haven't been spared either. We have been studying plants.

Using clear cups we planted bean seeds., By placing the seeds near the sides of the cup it provided the kids with a great view of what was happening when the seeds sprouted. Those roots were amazing. The kids couldn't wait to take a look each morning. One looked exactly like a spine. Boy--those kids must have green thumbs.

I was up for my dreaded evaluation and planned a great lesson. But...stomach virus caused me to miss the day of the evaluation so it will have to be rescheduled. DRAT! But the lesson still provided my kids with some learning and creativeness too.

I'm searching for the link to this amazing lesson and will edit a link as soon as I find it. (Can someone tell me how to organize my files so I can actually find them?) Finally found it: from Dragonflies in First blog: and it's free!  

On another note--our phonics spelling pattern this week was the /ou/ow sound. I found this idea last year and the kids loved doing it again. Easy as pie--draw a picture, pick a bandaid, write about it. I hung these up for conferences yesterday and the parents loved seeing them!

I make a movie maker slideshow using their pictures/writing and add a song by Katherine Dines--Itchy Itchy Owie Owie Boo Boo. If you've heard it you know it is just perfect. (By the way I really didn't ask for the "crying face" from this little one--it was!)


  1. Thanks for the shout out and purchasing my unit! Your board looks great!
    Love your "crying" kid. :D
    Dragonflies in First

  2. I love this! Do you have that paper you used for the OUCH stories? Would you be able to upload it?

    First in Maine

  3. I love her face and the ouch cute!

    Your sunflowers are adorable. We make something very similar. I am sharing the ones we made soon.

    I would love for you to visit me if you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart
