Sunday, March 11, 2012


I am...speechless. I have received not one but two awards in the last few days!!! I feel so unworthy. I first received the One Lovely Blog Award from Mrs. Nunley over at First Grade Magic. This is super touching because she is the first blogger that I have found that actually works within 50 miles of me!

And...then I received another award from Wild About First Grade for one of the "the new bloggers on the block--meaning we don't have thousands of followers."

I am thankful to both ladies for thinking of my blog. I am new. I really have so little to share--and most to gain by reading and sharing a great profession of teaching. I just know that I have become a better teacher. I have become more excited about sharing these great ideas with my class of 20 first graders. And in the end--they are the ones that are the winners.

I was trying to plan my writing workshop and my science unit last night. I just was so unmotivated. I just turned off the computer and decided to wait for another day--well this is the only day since tomorrow it is back to school. When I turned my computer on this morning--the very first new blog post was about plants and seeds. Just what I was looking for. I raced over to TPT and bought two units that were so cheap. For $4.50 I had both my writing and science planned. Again...winner!!! If you want to catch some of my luck--hee hee for St. Patrick's Day week luck! then go over to Dragonflies and catch the Sunny Sunflowers and Me and the Beanstalk ideas. Ah--Now I have time to re-lax.

To pass some of my loveliness on to others that are deserving--I'll start with both of these blogs.

1.  First Grade Magic

2. Dragonflies in First

3. Wild About First Grade

4. Dew Drop in First Grade

5. Dilly Dabbles in First

6. Fabulous in First

7. The Inspired Apple

8. The First Grade Parade

9. The Polka Dot Patch

10. First Grade Fanatics

These blogs are a mixture--new ones, great inspirational ones, ones that continue to help me.

We adopted Envision Math this year. We are currently on the topic of Graphs and Tables. It was a welcome relief from some of the skills we have been working on--for what seems like for-e-ver. On Friday we got to use spinners to gather data and analyze the data. Relief! I have been skipping around a bit to get the major topics in before the dreaded end of the year Stanford 10.

Have a great week. I will be back with some pictures of those plant themed ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your awards! They are very well-deserved... I think it's fabulous how you remain innovative and reflective. I wish we could have worked together!
