Yesterday I went to school to work. Number one on my list of things to do was to finish labeling the non-fiction classroom library. I am putting labels and AR dots on all the books. Number two was to put up the number posters I got here. 

Number one--halfway finished. (I had left my labels sitting on the air conditioner unit and I guess the moisture caused the label sheet to wrinkle. Boo--wouldn't go through the printer correctly).
Number two--had to change the location since they wouldn't fit where I had them in mind. Easy fix--take down the months of the year "bear" set I've had up for a decade. Put them over the Math bulletin board.
Now the ADD/ADHD must have taken over my body. While I was putting hot glue on two of those number posters at a time, I decided the round table and rectangular table needed to be exchanged in location. I moved the round table--perfect! hit me like a ton of bricks. Why not just use the rectangular table where my desk sits and the room will be less crowded.
This was the desk. It was sitting at the front of the classroom. I don't sit there to work. I only placed it there to have a place to put the SMARTslate and remote during the day. The SMARTslate operates the projector and all my links/smart files/powerpoints, etc. I "sit" at the kidney shaped table in the back of the room to plan during specials and hold guided groups.
So this is my new arrangement. It will work out great I hope! Anyway--my desk is gone.
Isn't crazy how all of the sudden we break out with ADD when we get in our classroom?! Your room looks lovely!!