Saturday, April 13, 2013

Five for Friday...a day late

I am joining Five for Friday for the first time. I know it's a day late...but I can procrastinate, can't I?fiveforfriday_thumb[2][1]

We had some great and fun activities on this week back from Spring Break.

We had planted our seeds the week before spring break and they hadn't done much of anything. So I gave them a generous water and left them for the ten days. This is what we came back to. We measured them as part of our Math study. When I glanced over this was my view so I just had to snap a picture.

I picked up these little plastic boxes at Dollar Tree (4 for a $1). We decorated them to use as our Wonder Boxes (from Debbie Miller's Reading With Meaning book). We've been talking about how we need to s..l..o...w  down when reading and think, wonder, question. These boxes are going to house our questions.

And of course, we began writing our questions on index cards and adding them to the boxes.

We were studying the /ou/ow/ sounds so it was perfect for writing our Ouch stories. I made a movie maker project using the song by Katherine Dines "Itchy, itchy, owie, owie, boo-boo". PRECIOUS! 

And the best...SPRING finally arrived. I didn't get a picture of us being able to PLAY on the playground but we did. For more than one day in a while. Consecutive days. Without jackets!

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