Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Snowmen Grammar

This week we are working on "extreme" weather. It IS January. Last week we were out of school for ice. Today...it was 70 and we were outside with no jackets! Extremely unpredictable for sure.

I saw this idea (don't ask me where) and made a simple three circle handout for the kids to write two nouns, two verbs, and adjectives. The kids loved it. With so much "teach to the common core" and testing and just regular curriculum standards there isn't time for fun. So...shhh...I gave the kids a "creative" way to assess their knowledge of the parts of speech.

Once they had recorded their "knowledge" I gave them free reign of a tray full of recycled items. 

And a request from one of my firsties: "Are you going to hang them up and put a slideshow of our pictures on the website?" Melt my heart! Yes! 

I do plan to make a movie maker video of some more "snowy learning" and add it to our class videos.

So what is special for your kids? 

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