Sunday, January 6, 2013

How I Plan

I like to cut. I like to copy.. AND...I love to paste. Anything that will help me get my plans done in a somewhat timely manner.

My grade level helps each other. We all take a subject area and do the searching, finding, and rescue! :)
Well, you get the idea. Each month we rotate the areas so that we are getting to experience the full effects of all curriculum areas. Since we are required to turn in plans each Monday--and that means plans containing common core standards, assessments, etc. it has really helped us to combine our efforts.

Since each of us has  a subject, we put the week's activities on a powerpoint and email it to each other. Then we can copy and paste, add to, change, etc. This allows us to work within our class needs and not eliminate areas of concerns.

How I do Lesson Plans

I've recently been adding pictures and examples so that I can have a better memory of exactly what I wanted an anchor chart to contain, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I love looking at other teachers' plans...thanks for sharing yours! :)
