Monday, January 21, 2013

Home Work Zone

Other than the recliner with trusty laptop--well I really do have a spare bedroom that I consider my office. I've been inspired lately by two beautiful home offices that I cannot compete with. Take a look here and here
Oh, these are definitely a showcase.

I started with baby steps. First up--change the color of my bookcase and computer desk from two different shades of brown to basic black.

Baby step 1: sand the table lightly and clean the dust off! /And of course I'm trying to accomplish this task IN the office and not IN the garage. HMMMM may want to reconsider that next time.

The actual re-staining didn't take long at all. And it actually dried in a couple of hours and I was able to put the second touch up coat on.

Pardon the mess surrounding the desk. I keep telling fussing at my husband that we really need to do something with all those cords!  Another project is adding some additional storage!

Step 2: Use the above polyshades and change the bookcase. This project did NOT go as planned. It seemed that the bookcase was not real wood. Stain and laminate = bad combination.

It appears black. But if one (ME) touches it, the color is flaking off. Sadsville! Double SADSVILLE!
But for now, it will stay. Next project is to put together one of those nine cube section bookcases (already black!!!) to get the bookcase organized in a better combination.

Until step 3--I'm trying!

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