Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Difference

I sit here on Sunday night anticipating stepping back into a first grade classroom. I will look at my kids much differently as will teachers everywhere.

The television has had to remain off most of this weekend. It was too painful to watch, to hear, to share.

But as I sat grading papers I know that God has worked through our writing from last week. Good old Common Core. The different types of writing that we now expect. Last week it was a review of several types--one being "opinion". I knew that with Christmas coming that it would be a great time to let the words flow. I expected most of the kids would have opinions on holidays.

This is one:

Christmas is a time when we share our love with others. My family celebrates Chistmas by reading the story where Jesus was born. My Papa tells that story every Chistmas. And my family nows that Chistmas is'ent about geting presents it is about Jesus comeing to erath. Abd Jesus was born in Behtlahim. We just give presents for our love. And Chistmas is my faveorit holiday.

I find peace knowing that little first graders can believe. And twenty new angels had a chance to feel God's love. 

Take care of your kids! Love them as you teach them. And maybe you will look at life much differently too.

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