Sunday, July 1, 2012


O.K. It seems like June has disappeared for this year. Where did it vanish to? (HMMM I think I ended that question with a preposition.)

Farley has set up her July linky party. I've never participated but maybe July is the new second half of the year. 

I even went so far as reading the rules. And it is July...And I am finished with teaching as of tomorrow (well for a month anyway!)

It is really hot. Steaming hot. I think it is on a lot of people's minds. When all you hear is talk about the weather it is really a dull day or the weather is top priority--almost like will we have a snow day tomorrow???

It is dry. Grass--brown. Garden--so sad!  Flowers--trying to save.  Newly planted azaleas--I think dying.

So, I will pray for rain!


  1. I love Reading with Meaning! Her schema analogy is wonderful and really helps kids remember it!

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

  2. Edward Tulane is my favorite Read Aloud! It is such a rich story. Enjoy your time off! Stop by an check out my Inspirational Giveaway!

    Teaching with Moxie

  3. Listening to the air conditioner is a common theme tonight. Thank goodness we are lucky enough to have one working right now! I am now jealous of your key lime pie -- it sounds delicious!

  4. I just found your blog through Farley's Currently, and now I'm craving Key Lime Pie! Good luck with the end of summer school!
    Hello Mrs Sykes

  5. OOHHH - I'm also craving Key Lime Pie! Happy Summer!


  6. Oh I soooo love Key Lime Pie!! You had me at that! Happy Summer!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  7. i alwyas have my ac on also =) im your newest follower...drop by

    Just Wild About Teaching

  8. Rain! How wonderful that would be. I know what you mean about the air conditioner running...and running... I'm going to avoid the mailbox in a few weeks when we get our electric bill. yikes!

  9. Came here via Farley's linky. And yes, it is hot!! A pool sounds so good!

    Krazy Town

  10. Love Love Love Edward Tulane. If you visit Portland, you would still have rain...we joke here that summer doesn't start til July 5th.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  11. hehehe i love that everyone wrote about their ac on the currently!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥
