Sunday, June 17, 2012

Busy times!

My! I may have to go back to regular school to get some rest!

My son is also a public school teacher. He recently relocated back "home". Since he had leased his house he stayed with us for a year. This is my garage:
Well, this was my garage a week ago. Now he has moved back into his house. So...I've been busy. 

I painted the bedroom --now the guest room--hung curtains and added new bedding.

So not much was "school related" last week. I am teaching summer school and did manage to clean and toss some un-used files. I am getting all the materials I have made via TPT and blog world freebies organized into the filing cabinet that used to house the "un-used and kept for maybe someday I'll need that" stuff!

I didn't take any pictures but maybe tomorrow. Eleven--yes--11--more summer school days!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! It will be over before you know it.
