Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer Goals: Monday Reveal

I was inspired this morning. Yes, it is Memorial Day. First Monday off of summer break. But over at 4th Grade Frolics I read about goals for school and goals for home/personal to "attack" this summer. She speaks of posting goals each Monday and then hopefully reaching them and sharing some of her new found school ideas. She calls is the "Monday Reveal".

I thought I would join in.

School: Since I am teaching summer school (pre-K kids instead of first) I've been searching for ideas to use. I found some great ones that you can see on my Pinterest. I will plan some this week. But the Pigeon one will be a great one to use next week,

On the school goal for my regular school year I am going to make the Writer's Eye that is polka dot themed. (It's also on my Pinterest boards). Got to get the laminator going.

Personal/Home: Whew--biggie for this week. My son moved in with us when he relocated back to this area. His house was leased so now he is moving back into his home. My garage has been the storage container for all his belongings/furniture for a year. Need I say more? Just close your eyes and imagine--my car sitting out in the pouring rain and the trace of snow this winter. Boxes stacked to the ceiling. This is the week we begin sorting and moving! I will get back my family room!  I have a project there as well--but that is for another Monday.

Have a great week and join in the Monday postings. Let's get busy!


  1. You have some great goals!

    I hope you have a wonderful summer! =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. Great ideas! I am teaching prek summer school also. Have fun!
    Mrs. Shelton’s Kindergarten
