Wednesday, May 16, 2012

All that is left...

We have two student days left, one inservice day, and a half-day for report card pick-up. Can it be???

I have to say that this is the first year that I can say we are actually learning and working up to the end.

I've been using a memory book that I got off TPT that was free. The kids have enjoyed working on a few pages each day. Are these my kids? These are sitting at their desks and working like...normal kids!!! We will work on it a little tomorrow and then next Monday. As anything by Cara, it is wonderful. You can access it on TPT by searching Cara Carroll.

We've also been listening to Charlotte's Web. I don't know what it is about making a class as a family as much as reading a chapter book together. It may be the together time. Or the calm. Or the way the kids have to listen in order to picture the story in their minds. But it just is. I've used The Journey of Edward Tulane. Same effect. But, since there are a couple of wonderful units on Charlotte's Web we are ending our year this way. We
 read. We talk. We work with the unit. 

The small group activities have been great. 

You know how the kids begin to get on each other's last nerve (not to mention the teachers too--shhh) I read Sophie Gets Angry--Really, Really Angry. We talked about how we all have times to learn to deal with our feelings so I had the kids write about how they have channeled their feelings.

Funny. Sad. Alarming. 

One of my girls: When I was going to brush my teeth my sister got my tooth brush and shaked it up in the air!! I tried to get it. But when ever I tried she screamed into my ear! And I got angry...really really angry. And then I yelled and she screamed and then my mom came in and she yelled stop!!!!! And she took the tooth brush and said use another tooth brush if your going to fight!!!!! Then my sister pushed me and said that's what you get for taking my tooth brush. Ha Ha said my very sassy sister.I did what my mom wanted me to do and then I didn't fight never ever. And me and sister never fighted. Because we have an angry mom in our house. And we quietly went to bed but my sister never stopped the screaming.

Some days make it so wonderful!!! And I typed it just like she wrote it --spelling and all. Amazing first grader!!!!


  1. Wow! That is some story! Enjoy your last 2 days with the kiddies! :)

    I would love for you to stop by & follow my blog!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Holy smokes. Literally, where have I been? I had NO idea you had a blog! I love it! I'm your newest follower! I'm so happy other teachers in the county are doing this, too. We MUST get together. I'm adding you to my blog roll and would love it if you'd do the same. Have a great last 2 days! Whoo hoo!
    Eberhart’s Explorers

  3. You're in the home stretch girl! I love your Charlotte's Web piggies . . . who doesn't heart Wilbur??!! Glad I found you. Happy {almost} summer vacay!

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory
