Monday, April 30, 2012

Testing WEEK

This week is THE week. Testing begins today. All morning long. No related arts classes.  All week.

Room is boring=all words, letters, numbers are removed or hidden. I tried to do it in a calming way so there aren't any distractions.

Teachers=stressed.   Students=not a clue. I think some of the kids will be nervous. Some won't care. Some will love the extra snack breaks and extra outdoor playtime in the afternoon. Did I say no related arts? Well, we can pair off with another teacher/teachers and take turns having play duty/movie showing, etc. But we also are on a countdown. Our school year ends May 22. We also have three days of teacher inservices when the children don't come. That means only a few days of actual regular classroom days. One day is our end of the year field trip. One day is afternoon Field Day. And so, we also need to do some computer testing our district requires. So we must may squeeze some of that in this week too.

I'm exhausted just thinking about this. But, off to school now! Let the fun begin!


  1. Good luck to you and your kiddos. Never a fun week for anybody, but I'm sure they will do great!


  2. Good luck! We just finished up testing at our school. I am feeling the time crunch too that I still have a lot I want to teach them before time runs out!
    Conversations in Literacy

  3. We just finished up testing today! WooHoo! Yep, it's rather boring when you have to cover everything up! I just found your blog, and I'm your newest follower. Hope you can come by when you get a chance.

    Bloggy Blessings,

    The Teacher's Chatterbox
