Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday, Snow, and Thanksgiving

Sounds like a broad range of topics. But when last weekend was a strep/doctor/bed kind of weekend it only stands to say that I am thankful that this weekend I am not at the Urgent Care waiting on meds--immediately!!!

The snow has left us this year it seems. This time last year it was snowing every other day and we were out of school a total of. 17. days. Since our district extends the school day 30 minutes EVERY day all year we have 13 built in days. We had to extend out year a couple of days and go on yikes a Saturday but we still got out before the end of May.  This year. no. snow. I guess the benefits of having 60 degree weather does make up for the cold but...the kids are desperately in need of snow days. They are bonkers!!! Add to that the fact that we have a male student teacher in our classroom=total bonkerness! The male figure is definitely a positive for lots of little guys but they seem to want to "show off" for attention.

Sometimes though it is great to have a male sharing our excitement and learning--especially when one little guy splits the entire rear out of his jeans. And when Mr. Teacher asks him what happened he can proclaim--"well I was scratching my butt and they split!" (Picture, turning heads and covering mouth and shaking shoulders to curtail the laughter from Mr. Teacher and myself!

This week we worked with inferences again. Take a look at our lesson from The First Grade Parade that you can view here. 

Thankfulness for the ideas from blog land. Cara posted her No, David ideas and we totally copied her lesson. They loved it.

Next week we are moving on to story plot. So my blogging this weekend is in search of some great ideas!!!

Have a great weekend and if you have any ideas to impress Mr. Teacher--throw them my way.


  1. Oh My Goodness!
    These Davids are awesome!! I just used David to teach part of our Character Traits lessons and had my kids draw something he did to show his traits. This would have been so much fun to do...
    I think I must find a way to fit this in somewhere!!!

    Kinder Journey

  2. We are in the same weather situation! We've only had one day of "snow" and I use that loosely because it was more like a dusting than real snow. It's finally getting colder here so I'm hoping for a few snow days before spring hits!

    I think that's fabulous that you have a male teacher in there! There are NO male teachers in my daughters elementary school. I think it sets a good example for the boys though when there's a male role model they see daily, so good for your guy! I'm glad he chose teaching!
