Tuesday, December 27, 2011



Our Treasures series begins Unit 4 with a study of birds. I like to begin January with the Tacky books. It allows me to use a review of comprehension skills that we have covered touched on: text to self connections, character analysis, compare and contrast. We also are beginning to delve into making inferences. Tacky allows us to infer his character and how the characters can change! I hope that you can use these if you are ready compelled to return to school soon!

I'd love for you to drop me a comment if you found these useful!


  1. So cute! I can't believe 1st graders can do this kind of work these days! Amazing!

    Also, I have a New Years Resolution linky party & a questioner on my blog that I would really love your feedback on. Please stop by and give me your opinion.


    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. Tacky makes me want to go back to First! I'm awarding you the Liebster Blog Award, come on by and check it out :)
    Dual Kinder Teacher
