Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas is coming...

Yes! In spite of the cr-aaa-zy kids that have inhabited my "normal" kids, Christmas is coming and this teacher is getting! What happens when the calendar flips to December? Every teacher's sigh and look on their face is not IS< IS< IS not a happy one!

This year I took an inspiration from a co-teacher who has been making stockings for her kids. I may be wondering if these cr-aaa-zy kids will appreciate my hours of work. But they are going to get a stocking whether they like it or not!

I purchased felt squares from WalMart and Michaels. If I ever anticipate doing this again in the near future next year I would purchase the felt before December flips into being. I pinned two squares together (of the same colors) and free-handed the stocking shape=cut those out. I used one felt square of white to cut four pockets.
Now--a BIG tip--use baby yarn--and buy those little needle threaders--and purchase darning needles that are also sharp.  This is what step one resembled.

Step 2 was to sew the pocket and button on only the top stocking with the baby yarn. (I couldn't find baby yarn in red so had to use regular sized yarn=difficult to thread and work with.

Step 3 is to sew around the outside. I made a loop when I began the trip around the stocking with the yarn. My co-teacher suggested ending with that side and I tried it--but in my mixed up cr--aaa-zy--tired teacher mind it was backwards to me in the direction I was sewing. So I changed my direction to begin with the looped side and go around the stocking.

I need to get busy--I have made six stockings with 14 more to finish on the Step 3 portion.

If you are following The Teacher Parade, Cara has shared many of her projects. View her great ideas here.  How does she do that? So I am going to attempt the little Santa creatures. I wandered through Michaels (returning the candy green apple felt I didn't need) and found this great pack of Christmas paper for only $2.70--must have been on sale. I grabbed that baby up as there were only two packs left--and will use it for my kids to make theirs. The pack has 25 sheets so with cutting each sheet in half and using some plain paper too--we will see what the Santas resemble! I just couldn't see paying $10 right now for regular scrapbook paper as I am not a scrapbooker. I am a blogger/follower!

Happy living with first graders week!

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