Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blog Thanksgiving

I spend a tremendous time blog stalking. Now to say that it isn't beneficial would be a fib. I do gain so many ideas--which can be good and bad. Do you find all these wonderful ideas and want to do them ALL? My new year's goal will have to be to try and contain myself!

But to the thankful part--this week I will have my evaluation--on Tuesday--afternoon---before the kids leave about a hour later! YIKES! Those cuties may not be so cute!

If you have heard anything about the uproar in the state of Tennessee--consider yourself lucky that apparently your state hasn't tried to do this "new system". Teachers are evaluated on a rubric of 1-5. We were told that 3 is a rock solid teacher--but beware it can also mean that you can lose your tenure since 50% of your evaluation is based on test scores. Now, since I teach first grade and we don't have state mandated tests--yet--my 50% will be based on someone else's test scores! That would be our fourth grade since we are a K-4 teacher. Now, you may have figured out that evaluation takes on a whole different meaning. Meaning--stress!

I was told that I would be observed doing a Math lesson. GULP. I teach Math. But reading is MY love. OK--time for more blog stalking. And Thanksgiving. And more blog stalking. And purchasing from TPT.
I think I've made it though. Thanks to:
Mrs. Jump's blog sharing of her pie graph Turkey I began to think data collection.
And then Abby posted this wonderful unit on Oh, So Thankful which had more data collection.
And finally this wonderful PICTURE of an anchor chart. I had arrived.Check out these great ideas at First Grade Fever.

My plan is coming together:
A "Hook" of items to create this:  a bag of items to create but no idea how much or how many items I should have for my class of 20. A "letter" from my husband that I should collect DATA before I go shopping will begin our lesson of "data".

And on we go to collecting data from various sources. We end with making the turkey glyph!

Thanks fellow bloggers. (I hope I keep my job.  :)


  1. Oh friend!! I just went to a district meeting where my district is trying to set up a "Fair and Equitable" way to give out performance pay to teachers. I live in Utah and all teachers and administrators are evaluated at least once a year. It sounds like we are heading in the direction of Tennessee by the year 2014-15. Stress!! My prayers are with you!! I have some tpt items on math I'd be willing to send you for free. (Pumpkin Math centers, Turkey Time Math and Literacy or Fantastic Fall). Let me know if I can help you!
    Rebecca - Teaching First

  2. I will be keeping you in my thoughts as you have your evaluation. I'm in Knoxville, and we too, have the wonderful evaluation system. It's enough to make you scream!! ALOT! Anyway, I'm sure you will do wonderful and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I totally know what you are talking about!! It scares the crude-ola out of me! Best of luck with your observation. The cookie is adorable! Might have to borroow that idea.

    First Grade Delight
