Monday, October 10, 2011

Writing to Read

I struggle with teaching writing. And this group seems to be the one that I really need to teach writing. Low interest? Not inclined? Whatever the reason I seem to be treading water when I look at our results after nine weeks of school. (It might be because the writing time seems to get short-changed in minutes.) So...I tried moving our writing to earlier in the morning.

Morning Message
Writing Workshop
Shared Reading
Phonics and Word Work

 I thought if I knew it would be included each and every day I would feel better. I had given my kids opportunities. I had used a short mini-lesson.

I have used Lucy Calkins Units of Study for Primary Writers. Really Good Stuff (pardon the pun). But in the past I haven't moved through the units. I've hit a lesson. I've moved a couple of lessons forward or backward or to the next book.

But I think I finally hit on one thing that is working this year. Reading the pieces to peers or the group. This seems to be the key to instilling in writers the need to add details, check their work, etc.

Now, my next goal is to model more. I hesitate to "show" because my stories invariably become their stories. Any help on that one?

1 comment:

  1. I **LOVE** Lucy!! This is my second year using her. Last year I used her in Kinder and some of my kids were writing 3 full page stories by the end of the year. This year I'm using it in 1st and my kids already love writer's workshop. I do a big lesson at the beginning about writing about stories that happen to YOU! I'm pretty sure it's one of her points in her mini-lessons. I do a lot of "think alouds" and say things such as, "Did you go get new running shoes this weekend? No! You can't write about MY running shoes! That would be so silly! Did I go to the circus last weekend with Johnny? NO! Then I can't write about going to the circus! That would be so silly of me!" On an as needed basis, I revisit this. "Writers, can you write about MY experiences? Only if you were there! :) " They get really good at talking about this with you. So far, I haven't had too many problems. When you start Unit 2, Small Moments, it will be easier for them to write about just them. I hope this helps!! :)
