Monday, August 15, 2011

The Word "Spot"

Word Walls. I had mine all set and used the area above the whiteboard for the past several years. It worked perfectly (in my opinion). I used the area above each letter of the alphabet and used different colors of index cards for the beginning letter. But...that was before our professional development AND the new evaluation system. I had hot glued Dollar Tree foam boards above the cork area and covered it with fabric. I could pin the words to this area.

We are required to have ours in a linear fashion with areas above and below each letter for words. The words above are the "no excuse"spelling words--words that each first grader should master by the end of first grade. The words below can be high frequency words, vocabulary, etc.

My solution was to move the alphabet to the metal trim area and use Dollar Tree poster board to fill in the cork area. I will be able to use this for the "extra" words and still use the top area for the "no excuse" words. Being my stubborn personality I was determined to use the "spot" alphabet so I just pinned it too. I may have to take it down.


  1. I love how your new word wall looks! I also like the idea of separating "no excuse" words from the others. I've seen other teachers do that by color coding the words. :)

  2. Wow! We aren't even required to do a word wall, although I've I just started reading teacher blogs this summer and am amazed by how everyone does things differently.

    I love how your word wall is above your alphabet! I think I'll do that!!! Thanks for sharing.
