Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Classroom Updates to the Update

No matter how long much time we spend setting up our classrooms--it still has to adapt to new requirements (ala suggestions!!!) for evaluation purposes. Our state is part of the Race to the Top. We are working with lots of data--and needless to say our teaching is going to be under close scrutiny.

Posting our standards and essential questions is a permanent addition. Now I am not creatively inclined to decorate the classroom in this way. So...all I have been inspired (wish I could see The Inspired Apple's inspiration!) is to use a pocket chart and write them out in nice sentence strip formation.  B.O.R.I.N.G!!!
 If you can think of a creative way and an easier method--I am taking all suggestions!
Wow--this really is not impressive. To the right of the pocket chart are our rules--that I can love. I got the idea from blogging (don't know where--but if it is your idea please let me know so that I can link to you). I had my first graders write about what rules they felt were very important to have at school. We had read several books on the way we treat others, make them feel, etc. They came up with some really deep thinking rules! I guess if you have really had a negative experience in the past it will stick in your memory. I brought the rules home and combined them into five rules. I have them attached with velcro dots on my polka dot ribbon. We have been chanting them in our morning meeting (with a few review speeches by me of course!) Harry Wong would be impressed--we are really working on classroom climate. After all, you know that evaluation that our state is proceeding with!

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