Monday, July 11, 2011

Sharing Party--Schedule

Schedules are part of our daily lives. When we try to fit everything into our school day--and cover the standards, district requirements, and also teach what we know is best for our kids--the scheduling becomes even more important. I wanted to join this linking party:

Here is my schedule from last year. I know that I will change some aspects. Until we begin school I won't know my specials time, my Title Reading block, and also our newly assigned RTI 30 minutes. I really want to change the morning language arts block into more of a Daily 5 schedule. With the Treasures reading series it will be easy to divide and conquer!!! What I called the Skills block was actually the three components: Reading Workshop, Word Work, and Grammar skills. 
Daily Schedule 2010-11
Thoughts? Opinions?
If you take a stroll over to Mrs. Bainbridge's blog posts on her Daily 5, I think you will understand where I am heading. Our district has offered training in the Daily 5/Cafe. I've not been fortunate enough to hear The Sisters. But I have used a Reading Workshop approach for several years. I think by meshing these together I will have a schedule that meets my needs--and the needs of my students. You will need to stroll down to the second page to see my "new" thoughts.
Schedule 2011-12

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