Saturday, July 2, 2011

School Shopping

I just finished summer school Thursday. This is Saturday.
And...I've hit Dollar Tree and Target looking for the perfect things I need for my color-coordinated, polka-dotted new room to be!

 It was in part because I need to "match" my square tiles.

My first find at Target were the pocket charts in green. (I have several in royal blue)
Target had the book bins but I didn't need them as I have the neon colors from Really Good Stuff. I did notice however that they were a bit wider and would have worked well for file folders. (For those of you working on getting the Lakeshore five caddty organizer)

On to Dollar Tree where I got four more trays. My polka-dotted ones are the ones I really wanted--but no more.  They are a good size. Since I learned I have 23 on my roster for this year I picked up some extras. The polka dotted ones are neon green and neon blue--perfecto!

And...three placemats matching my trays.
Two spools of ribbon to make a wreath for my door.
And three trays for sorting, word work, etc. Since there is only one way to arrange my desks to surround our meeting area which is directly in front of the SMARTboard/slate/whiteboard is to put them in three groups I settled on three trays.
And finally something for me--a huge, large, can hold 12 kinds of wonderful stuff--to carry my laptop plus paperback books on the plane for my upcoming trip!
Happy shopping!

1 comment:

  1. You certainly had a great day of shopping. :) Don't you just love when you find so many things you "need." I hope you will post pics of your classroom when school starts. It sounds like it will be a wonderful place to learn (and teach.) Liz in South Dakota
