Friday, July 15, 2011

It's GONE!

My door creation for the past two years is gone. I was inspired by this:\

Mine didn't quite equal this one that a ProTeacher showcased. For one thing--my door is next to a corner wall so I didn't have a nice large area to use. I teach in a school whose mascot is a bear. Using DJInkers bulletin board set I called mine the Reader's Club.

I now have a "blank canvas" to decorate. But that will wait as I am leaving on vacation for two weeks. When I return...I will have four days to create. YIKES!  EGADS! DRAT!  We begin Teacher Inservice on August 4. Open house is the 7th.

Another thing that is meeting area surrounded by our Fiction library. This is a change that will take me a while to adjust to. We have had this cozy in the corner near ONE of the TWO windows to meet, read, talk, laugh, learn, share. But with the addition of a ceiling mounted projector and SMARTboard slate I moved the meeting area in front of the board. The desks are surrounding the meeting area.

This too may have to change. With the prediction of having 23-24 students I will be forced to shove that furniture this way and that way to squeeze in that many desks (which I don't have!) 

So...during my vacation which may or may not include internet...I will ponder about the changes I will make. I worked a while today on bulletin boards and general straightening. Since I teach in my room during summer school I really don't have to pack away my room. All I do is stack the desks and chairs on the small tiled area so the carpet can be cleaned. HMMMMM  do you ever wonder why carpet is in an elementary school? Good place for little critters, lice, throw up, spills to inhabit.

I will gladly take all suggestions on that door! August 4th is coming.

1 comment:

  1. I had 23 students in my homeroom and 26 in my reading group last year. It was a tight fit!! Good luck!

    I just found your blog,and am now a follower!
