Sunday, May 1, 2011

Desks, desks, desks!

I always read about desks versus tables for first graders. I know it is all in a preference for what the individual teacher wants to use. However, I thought I would share with you a wonderful addition to my desks/tables. I built small shelving units to go between desks to hold the student's individual book boxes, tissues, hand santizer, etc. It works so well for me!  Since I used the cheap particle board shelving and a gallon of OOPS paint from Walmart the entire project for four shelving units was under $20.


  1. What a fantastic idea!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love this. I have tables though. But if I ever get desks again this is wonderful.
    Little Treasures

  3. This is a FABULOUS idea!! Do you mind sharing dimensions? Would LOVE to have these next year.

  4. This is so cool! I am going to try it out tomorrow with some plastic shelving I have. I will post pics and share your blog if it works out (if you don't mind of course!) :)
    Ladybug's Teacher Files

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. These are amazing! Everything looks so organized and out of the way. I would also like to know the "how to process" and where you purchased the materials. Love it!

    Mrs. Berg
    First Grade School Box

  7. Love this idea and would love to have my husband make them for our daughter's 2nd Grade teacher! She loved these! Please post the dimensions when you get a chance - would love to give them to her as an "end of the year" gift:)

  8. Yay! This is a gReAt idea! Thank you to Penny for blogging about your brillant idea! LOVE it!

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

  9. That really is genius! Now if I could only figure out how to put holes in the middle of my kindergarten tables without getting in trouble. ;)

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

  10. I did the very same thing, so I could have individual desks for testing and still have "tables," when I taught 2nd grade. It added a lot of storage, and took a lot of the clutter out of my room. The students also kept their backpacks under the tables during the day...wonderful!

  11. The dimensions were exactly the size of two desks placed side by side. I think I purchased 12 inch (width) boards and 4 ft. lengths. My husband and I made the shelves rather easily since I had Lowes do the cutting (2 feet high, 4 feet long). We added a small brace on the corners since I used the cheaper pressed wood. We quickly found out that the bottom needed a brace too. It would have been just as easy to attach another 4 foot piece across the bottom!

  12. This is AWESOME!!! Now, what is your secret for getting your husband to help you make these ; )

    I'm definitely making this blog a favorite so I can show my husband! I'd LOVE to have these for my 1st grade classroom!

  13. That looks like a really great idea. I am going to file that away for next year!

  14. Love! I'm planning to ask/beg the hubs for these!

  15. Oh this is so great. I debate the table or desk dilemma for my fourth graders. I already use bins for folders because I CANNOT stand them being crushed into the desks with the contents going everywhere! I'm starting readers workshop next year and have been wondering where I would find extra storage for book bins and notebooks. This is perfect! Thanks for posting.

  16. My Husband has a Shop that has easily manufactured this and other custom ideas for my co-workers as well as my classroom. He has 3D computer presentations of these concepts as well as he can come up with anything to fit your needs.
    He really enjoyed doing this and would like to help him with this endevour.
    If any are intersested please see his web site or you can call him directly at 626-664-0558. He has shipped orders to other states.

  17. Oh my gosh Jeanne!! What an AWESOME idea! So neat, organized, and out of the way. I LOVE IT! I'm your newest follower.

  18. So do you have the desks so kids can open them or not?


    busybeesandcupcakes at gmail dot com

    1. The desks do not open from the top. They are open from the front that faces the chair.

    2. The desks do not open from the top. They are open from the front that faces the chair.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Love this idea! Can't wait to get my husband started on this project! Thank you for sharing.

  21. A friend and I had her husband make these for us several weeks ago and they are wonderful! I can't wait to use them this school year. Thank you so much for sharing. I added pictures of mine to my blog and gave you credit for the ideas and directions. I added your button to my posting for other people to see your wonderful ideas! Please come by and check it out when you can!


  22. Look at Jaegar Engineering @
    They have a sleu of them for cheap!
    Call them at 626-664-0558

  23. Jaegar Engineering had what I needed and the prices competitive to some of the other stuff I have seen. Saved me alot of time and effort. I would recommend them in a heart beat!

  24. Where can I find the magazine holders (plastic) on your desk tables?
    I like the size of them and the fact that they are plastic and durable.
    Thank you!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I found Jaegar Engineering on facebook, thanks. Does anyone know what they charge for the shelves?

  27. I think one of my co-workers told me that the company was in the 25-35 dollar price range. I was thinking about buying a few of them. Given that I don't have time to build something like this in my apartment. Although it may sound a little pricey, I just think of the time I am saving so I focus on other classroom items.
